Friday, 19 December 2008

Nollaig Shona!

The Principal and Staff of St. Patrick's Junior National School wish all our students and their families a happy and peaceful Christmas.

School will re-open at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, 7th January 2009.

Second Class Nativity

All four of our Second Classes joined forces this afternoon to perform the Nativity Story. 

Room 10 told us the story of the Angel Gabriel appearing to Mary, Herod's decree to count all of the people, and Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem.

Room 11 told the story of Mary and Joseph arriving in Bethlehem to find the town very full. All of the innkeepers sent them away. They finally found a place in a stable.

Room 13 told the story of the angels and the shepherds on the hillside.

Room 14 told the story of the three Wise Men travelling from the East to see the newborn King.

Have a look at for more photos of their great show!

Senior Infant Show

Room 6 and 7 began our show today with "Ralph the Reindeer".

The elves in the North Pole along with Santa and his reindeer get worried when Rudolph is sick and cannot guide the sleigh. Ralph steps in to help!

Room 8 and Room 9 then performed "Whoopsa-daisy Angel", a forgetful and clumsy angel who gets a very special job - to tell everyone that baby Jesus has been born in Bethlehem!

Thursday, 18 December 2008

First Class Show

Each of the five First Classes took the stage this afternoon. They performed a whole range of Christmas songs and poems. It was great!

Have a look at more photos on their class page:

Junior Infant Show

The Junior Infant Show went down a storm this morning!

Room 2 and Room 3 performed "Snowman at Sunset" for a crowded Hall of proud parents.

Room 1 and Room 4 then took to the stage with "The Sleepy Shepherd".

Early Start - Toby's Christmas Drum

Early Start had two fantastic performances this week of "Toby's Christmas Drum".

They sang so well and remembered all of their lines. All their parents and teachers were so proud!

Have a look at their page for more photos!

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Christmas Shows!

We are all working hard on our Christmas shows. Over the next week, every child in the school will have the opportunity to appear on stage, and all of our parents will have a chance to see our stars in the making!

If your child has to bring in clothes for their costume, please bring these into your child's class teacher as soon as possible. Dress Rehearsals are on Wednesday!

The shows are on at the following times:

Junior Infants - 10.45 a.m.
First Class - 12.45 p.m.

Senior Infants - 10.45 a.m.
Second Class - 12.45 p.m.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

School Development Planning Day

Please note the school will be closed for all pupils on Monday, 8th December.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Christmas in Corduff

We are preparing for Christmas with our Advent Wreath.

Look at our fabulous Christmas tree!!

We have a beautiful crib outside the Office.

Santa is watching to see if we are being good!

Saturday, 29 November 2008

The Late Late Toy Show!

We were privileged to sing on the Late Late Toy Show on Friday night.
We went to RTÉ in the morning time and had a rehearsal.
We got to go backstage and even got to sit in the audience!!

We had to practice lots of times to get the sound right and so the cameras could see us all.

Saturday, 22 November 2008

Kazoo Visit!

The "Kazoo" team from RTÉ's "The Den" visited our school today.

Three lucky children from each class were picked out of a hat to represent their class.

They made beautiful Christmas decorations and showed Kathryn how to make them!

She was very impressed!

Monday, 3 November 2008


There was great excitement in school today when we discovered our stars from "Wish Upon a Star" have been chosen to sing on the Late Late Toy Show this year!

Following hundreds of applications from around the country, we were asked to audition for the Show in RTE Studios last week. The panel had to narrow it down from 60 groups to just 5, and we are thrilled to have been selected as one of the five.

Here are the audition photos for a sneak preview!

Watch this space for more news and information!

Staff Meeting


There will be a Staff Meeting on Wednesday, 5th November.

School will close for all pupils at 12 p.m.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Gospel Night!

Our First and Second Class Choir sang at the Parish Gospel Night on Thursday night.

The Dublin Gospel Choir came to the Church for a big fundraising concert. The children had a great time listening to the great singing.

When it was their turn, our choirs sang "Say to the Lord I love you" and "The Children's Band". They were fantastic and even got a standing ovation!! It was a great night and raised lots of money for the parish.


We had a whole school assembly this morning in the Hall. We started with our Morning Prayer and then the First and Second Class Choirs sang us the songs they performed at the Gospel Night.

The tidiest classrooms were announced as Room 1, Room 7, Room 19 and Room 13.

There were then special stickers for the class for coming to school. The Super Attenders for the month of October were Room 4, Room 6, Room 18 and Room 12!

We had a special Halloween Rule this week to help us remember to be safe over Halloween - to wear reflective clothing, to keep a safe distance from bonfires and to stay with an adult.

We had four star students this week, who worked really hard in their classes - well done!

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Halloween Disco

We had our Halloween Disco today. Everyone dressed up!

Junior and Senior Infants had their disco at 11 a.m. Lots of parents came to help us dance and have fun!

First and Second Class had their disco at 1 p.m. They were great dancers and loved all of the music the DJ played.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

It's Hallowe'en!

We are all very excited about Hallowe'en. Every class is working hard learning Hallowe'en songs and poems, making ghosts, bats, witches and spiders!
Mrs. Dullea has made a really scary display outside her Office! The witch cackles if you make too much noise!!!

Monday, 13 October 2008

Maths Week!

It's Maths Week this week and we are all very excited about it!

We have lots and lots of activities planned. We need lots of help from parents for our Fun Maths - contact your child's class teacher for more information and check your child's homework bag!

You can see what we have been doing on our Maths page - click on the link below:
Try to talk to your child about numbers, shapes, money, time, measures and patterns this week!

Friday, 10 October 2008


We had our first Assembly today with the entire school community. Junior Infants came for the first time, along with Senior Infants, First Class and Second Class.

Room 6 and Room 7 sang "Mé Féin" and then taught everyone the number rhyme "Five little Monkeys" to get Maths Week started!

The tidiest classrooms were Room 3, Room 7, Room 11 and Room 13.

Our Golden Rule for this week is "We are gentle, we don't hurt others".

We had six star students this week! They were all working very hard in their classrooms this week. Well done to all of them!

Thursday, 9 October 2008

National Tree Day

We celebrated National Tree Day today. It is the year of the alder tree.

First and Second Classes had a great time on their tree hunt. They had to name six trees on the hunt. Four classes got five out of six correct! Well done!

Have a look at for more information.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Staff Meeting

There will be a staff meeting this Wednesday, 1st October.

The school will close at 1.40 p.m. for all children.

Friday, 26 September 2008

Cleaner Communities Awards

We are delighted to announce that our school has been awarded a Cleaner Communities Award from Fingal County Council.

We were presented with the prize for "Best Presented School Grounds" on Friday at a special award ceremony in Donabate/Portrane Community Centre.

Our Green Schools Committee went along to the awards and were very proud collecting our prize.

Well done to everyone - we have all worked so hard to keep our grounds looking clean and tidy. Let's keep up the good work!


Our Assembly this morning began with Room 19 and 20 singing "Dipido" and saying the poem "Aon, dó, muc is bó".

The tidiest classrooms this week were Rooms 2, 6, 13 and 17. Well done!

Our golden rule for this week is "We listen, we don't interrupt". A group of noisy children distracted some other children trying to play a memory game. There was so much noise, the children playing the game couldn't concentrate. We saw that listening is very important. We have to listen to everyone around us so that we can concentrate properly on our work.

We had four Star Students this week and we finished with our School Song.

Friday, 12 September 2008

Our First School Assembly of the Year

We had our first Assembly this morning. The Senior Infants, First Class and Second Class children all came together in the Hall.

Following our Morning Prayer, Room 10 and 12 performed "It's a Small World" for us and said the poem "Gugalaí Gug". Everyone gave them a big clap.

Our four tidiest classrooms this week were announced as Room 1, Room 7, Room 13 and Room 20. Well done! 

Everyone was welcomed back to school and we talked about how we were all connected together, just like a spider's web. Some special helpers, one from each class, made a spider's web with wool for everyone to see. We are all connected by kindness, and we talked about the kind things we do for others in our school. Our Golden Rule for this week is "We are kind and helpful".

We finished our assembly with the announcement of five Star Students, who have worked really hard and behaved excellently in their classes. Finally, we all sang the school song.

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Staff Meeting

Please note there will be a Staff Meeting this Wednesday, 10th September.

School will finish at 12 p.m. for ALL classes.

Monday, 1 September 2008

Welcome Back!

We welcome back all our staff and students this morning.

A special welcome to our new Junior Infants and their parents. We hope you will settle in well and enjoy your first year at school. A special welcome also to students who are new to our school. We hope you will be very happy with us.

Money for books can be paid directly to the Class Teacher as soon as possible.

Keep checking back for lots more class and school news!

Friday, 27 June 2008

Summer Holidays!

We wish everyone a great summer holiday.
Have lots of fun and stay safe!

Well done to everyone for a great year!

School re-opens on Monday, 1st September 2008.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Super Attenders!

We were thrilled at Assembly today to award a record number of medals to children who have attended school every single day over the last year.

It is a huge achievement to come to school every day, so a big well done to the children and their families!

We also had lots of children who missed just one or two days and they were rewarded with a very special "Super Attender" badge. Well done to everyone!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Second Class Graduation

We had a special Graduation ceremony today for our Second Classes.

The choir sang "We are the World" and everyone sang "Circle of Friends". Mrs. Dullea gave each child a certificate and there were special prizes for excellent attenders.

Fr. Michael said a short prayer and we wished all the children every success on their move to the Senior School. We hope they won't forget us! Our ceremony ended with our school song.

Infants Sports Day!

Junior and Senior Infants had their Sports Day on Friday!

They had lots of fun!

View more photos on our P.E. page!
Click here:

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

1st and 2nd Class Sports Day!

First and Second Class had their Sports Day on Tuesday. Each class went from station to station, having a turn at all of the different activities, including uni-hoc, parachute, throwing and catching games, water relays, skis and an obstacle course!

Our parents were kind enough to come in to do face painting and our favourite station of all was definitely the bouncing castles!

We had all sorts of races - sack race, three legged race, tennis racket and ball race. The winners of the running races got lovely medals. They were so proud!

In the afternoon, we had our Gaelic football final. The two teams, Dublin and Cork, played a brilliant match. We were delighted our local coach, John, was able to come to referee. All the classes came out to support their classmates and cheer on the teams.

Dates for Diary

School Closed