Friday, 27 June 2008

Summer Holidays!

We wish everyone a great summer holiday.
Have lots of fun and stay safe!

Well done to everyone for a great year!

School re-opens on Monday, 1st September 2008.

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Super Attenders!

We were thrilled at Assembly today to award a record number of medals to children who have attended school every single day over the last year.

It is a huge achievement to come to school every day, so a big well done to the children and their families!

We also had lots of children who missed just one or two days and they were rewarded with a very special "Super Attender" badge. Well done to everyone!

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Second Class Graduation

We had a special Graduation ceremony today for our Second Classes.

The choir sang "We are the World" and everyone sang "Circle of Friends". Mrs. Dullea gave each child a certificate and there were special prizes for excellent attenders.

Fr. Michael said a short prayer and we wished all the children every success on their move to the Senior School. We hope they won't forget us! Our ceremony ended with our school song.

Infants Sports Day!

Junior and Senior Infants had their Sports Day on Friday!

They had lots of fun!

View more photos on our P.E. page!
Click here:

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

1st and 2nd Class Sports Day!

First and Second Class had their Sports Day on Tuesday. Each class went from station to station, having a turn at all of the different activities, including uni-hoc, parachute, throwing and catching games, water relays, skis and an obstacle course!

Our parents were kind enough to come in to do face painting and our favourite station of all was definitely the bouncing castles!

We had all sorts of races - sack race, three legged race, tennis racket and ball race. The winners of the running races got lovely medals. They were so proud!

In the afternoon, we had our Gaelic football final. The two teams, Dublin and Cork, played a brilliant match. We were delighted our local coach, John, was able to come to referee. All the classes came out to support their classmates and cheer on the teams.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Our Flag Raising Ceremony

We had our Flag Raising Ceremony for our Second Green Flag this morning.

We were delighted to welcome Lord Mayor Alan Farrell, Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan, Patricia Kennedy, Fingal County Council, Rachel Scott from An Taisce, Fr. Michael, Cllr. Margaret Richardson, Carmel Keena, our former Green Schools Co-ordinator and Michael Baker, Department of Education and Science.

We made headbands and sang our school song. Each class had their own place on the hill outside.

The Second Class Choir entertained us with a Beatles medley. They were great!

We are so proud to have our new flag flying high above our school.

Have a look at our Green Schools Page for more photos of our big day.

Click here:

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Introduction to Camogie Day

Fifteen very lucky Second Class girls were invited to the 'Introduction to Camogie Day' today.

The event, organised by John Ryan, the St. Brigid's GAA coach in association with Fingal and the County Board, brought together lots of schools in our local area. A big thank you also to Eve Talbot, Regional Development Co-Ordinator for organising the day.
The girls were treated to a day of coaching, lunch and even a disco! They also got a hurley, sliotar and a medal to bring home.

One of our Second Class girls won the Art Competition and won her very own helmet.

It was a great day and we had lots of fun!

Dates for Diary

School Closed