Thursday, 22 May 2014

Nursery Rhymes on RTÉ

Senior Infants had a very exciting day yesterday when the cameras from RTÉ came to visit. Emma O'Driscoll taught the children some nursery rhymes 'Miss Polly had a Dolly' and 'Oh dear, what can the matter be?'. The children did a super job singing them with her. We can't wait to see the show when it airs in the autumn. As soon as we know the date it will be on, a link will be on the school website.

Monday, 19 May 2014


The school has been approached by RTÉ to participate in a new music programme which will be broadcast in the autumn. RTÉ will come to the school on Wednesday 21st May to film the Senior Infant children in their class, singing various songs.
We look forward to seeing the performance in the autumn.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

1st Holy Communion

Dear Parents/Guardians,
You may be aware that the Catholic children in second class will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday 10th May at 11am in the Parish Church. This is a very important occasion in the life of our school and community. Should you wish to join in the celebration you are most welcome to do so.

On Wednesday 14th May the photographer will be coming to photograph the First Communion children. Your child is welcome to wear their special clothes in on this day if you wish them to be part of the class photograph. There is no obligation on you to purchase the photograph.

First Holy Communion is a special occasion and we wish God's Blessing on all the children of the community.

Yours sincerely
Áine Kirwan

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Summer Clean Up

In preparation for our Communion celebration on Saturday we would ask any parent who is free to join us in a clean up on Friday morning at 9am. Many hand make light work.

First Communion Reminders

As we look forward to the children's First Communion on Saturday, just a few reminders.

  • All parents and children to be seated at 10:50
  • Please do not delay outside taking photographs. There will be plenty of time after the ceremoney
  • No photography is allowed during the ceremony
Finally we hope the sun will shine and that you and the children will enjoy their special day.

Dates for Diary

School Closed