It has always been a tradition that parents have been welcome to attend at the time their child is at the disco, however Ms Kirwan would like to give a few reminders to ensure the smooth running of this event.
- Photos: We would ask you to respect the privacy of other people's children and of the school staff by only photographing/recording your own child.
- The nature of the Halloween disco is participation and fun, so if you come be prepared to dance!
Recently it has become aware to Ms Kirwan that a small number of parents are smoking on the school grounds and outside classrooms. The Board of Management has advised that all parents be reminded that the school grounds are a no smoking area for obvious health and safety reasons.
Please do not smoke on the school grounds.
Finally to remind you all that mid-term break will run from Monday 27th October until November 3rd. We wish you a safe and enjoyable Halloween break.