Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Space Travel

The children in 2nd Class, room 10 have been learning about the solar system. They made pictures showing how we travel in space.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Wish Upon a Star Tickets

Please click here to purchase tickets for the shows from Draoicht's Website

Wish Upon a Star

Some of the children from 1st and 2nd Class are preparing to stage two performances of Wish Upon a Star in Draíocht Theatre on February 19th & 20th. This involves a very big commitment from both children and staff who have been working tirelessly since September on the show.
You may not be a singer or dancer but we need other skills

  • sew, wash, label costumes
  • help out with props
  • help out with makeup
  • transport props down to Draíocht
  • Donate raffle prizes
Tickets for the shows are available from Draíocht and from the school on Wednesdays at 4pm. Tickets cost €10. 

Grandparents' Day

The children and staff invite the grandparents of First Class children to join us in celebration of Grandparents' Day 2018. There will be a prayer service, songs and stories taking place at 11am in the school hall.
Please RSVP via your child's class, indicating the number of representatives attending by Friday 26th January. Tea/Coffee will be served.

Stay Safe

As part of our Social, Personal and Health Education Programme all the children are taught safety skills through the Stay Safe Programme. Over the coming weeks the Stay Safe Programme will be taught.
Your child will bring home some worksheets to be signed by you. We would ask you to use this as an opportunity to discuss with you child, safety issues which are important in his/her daily life.
An information meeting will be held on Wednesday 31st January at 9am

Friday, 19 January 2018

Construction in 2nd Class

The children in 2nd Class, room 13 have great imaginations. They enjoy building. Today one group built a fair ground carousel.  They used the gears to make a 3D model.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Catholic Schools Week

Catholic Schools Week takes place from Monday 29th January to Friday 2nd February. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2018 is Families of Faith. Resources are available to support activities both in Primary and Secondary schools. Resources

Dates for Diary

School Closed