Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Farewell Fr Joe!

As many of you already know, Fr Joe has recently moved from our parish of Corduff, where he will be sadly missed, to take up a position in England. This Sunday, 23rd September, the 11:30 mass will be especially dedicated to Fr Joe and will be an opportunity for parishioners to thank him for all the work he has done in Corduff over the years, and to say goodbye. All are welcome.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Board of Management

A meeting for parents/guardians of children attending St Patrick's Junior School will be held in the school hall on Friday 14th September at 9:05am.
Nominations will be sought from parents for persons to stand for election as Parents' Nominee on the Board of Management. If there is only one nominee, this person shall be deemed to be elected. If more than one nomination is received, a secret ballot will be held at the meeting.
Any parent or legal guardian with a child in the school is eligible to go forward for election. All parents and guardians are eligible to vote. No person who is employed in the school may be appointed to the Board as a Parents' Nominee.
We are very grateful for the role the Parents' Nominee have played in the management of our school.
Dr Pat O'Connor
Chairperson of the Board of Management

Health and Safety Reminders

  • The Breakfast club is open from 8:30 and all children are welcome to attend. All junior and senior infant children should be accompanied by an adult who can wait while the child has breakfast and then bring them to the yard. 
  • If your child is in 1st or 2nd please ensure you have signed the form indicating how your child is to go home. 
  • It has come to Ms Kirwan's attention that some adults have attempted to hand sweets to the children while they are on yard. This is an obvious safety issue. We are constantly trying to teach the children about personal safety and we would appreciate if you could support us in this regard. 
  • Remember, everyone should be 'on the line for nine'.

Dates for Diary

School Closed