Tuesday, 17 September 2013

You may be aware that the annual budget has been brought forward to October this year in order to deal with the country's current financial difficulties.
Each of us can play a part in letting our politicians know that we do not want our children to pay for the financial situation the country finds itself in. They did not create the problem so they should not have to pay for it.
The National Primary Education Alliance, comprising all the partners at primary level has come together to call on Government to stop any further cuts to primary education.
We are asking you to contact your local T.D. either by using the postcard given to your child or by email to register your objection to any further cuts.
The politicians in this area are as follows.
Minister Joan Burton constituency.office@welfare.ie
Minister Leo Varadkar minister@ddtas.ie
Patrick Nulty patrick.nulty@oir.ie
Joe Higgins joe.higgins@oireachtas.ie

We would like to thank you for your continued support.

Dates for Diary

School Closed