Thursday, 12 December 2013

Christmas Shows

It's that time of the year. All the children and teachers in the school are working very hard at preparing their shows. Below at the times for each class. Please note some of the times are different to the times given out in the school news letter.

Monday 16th December
Early Start Afternoon group present "It's a Baby" at 1pm

Tuesday 17th December
Early Start Morning group present "It's a Baby" at 10:30am
Ms Kerrigan's & Ms Farmer's classes present "Born in a Barn" at 1pm
Ms O'Donnell's & Ms Fitzgerald's class present "The Nativity" at 1:45pm 

Wednesday 18th December
Mrs Breen's & Mrs Dixon's classes present "Whoops-a-daisy Angel" at 10:30am
Mrs Cabello's & Ms Cunningham's classes present "The Sleepy Shepherd" at 11:15am
Ms Greene's & Mr Kelly's classes present "The Bossy King" at 12:00pm
Mrs Murray's & Ms Curran's classes present"Shine Star Shine" at 1pm
Ms Mooney's & Ms Doyle's classes present "Busy Busy Bethlehem" at 1:45pm

Dates for Diary

School Closed