Friday, 19 December 2014

Merry Christmas

The school is now closed for the Christmas break. We would like to wish you all safe and happy Christmas. The school will reopen on Monday 5th January at 9am.

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Dates and Times for Christmas Plays

Tuesday 16th December
Junior Infants & Early Start
Mrs Owens and Ms O'Brien @ 10am
Ms Kerrigan and Ms Mooney @ 11:30am
Early Start Afternoon Group @ 1:15pm

Wednesday 17th December
Senior Infants & 1st Class
Mrs Gallagher and Mr Horgan @ 10am
Ms Kelly and Ms Doyle @ 11:30am
Ms Cunningham and Ms Cronin @ 1:30pm

Thursday 18th December
2nd Class & Early Start
Early Start Morning Group @ 10am
Mr Devlin and Mr Kelly @ 11:30am
Ms Curran and Ms Kilroy @ 1:30pm

Enrolment for 2015 - Registration Week

If you wish your child to be enrolled for Early Start/ Junior Infants for September 2015 please bring Birth and Baptismal Certificates, Child's PPS number and proof of address.
Registration Week takes place Monday 12th January - Thursday 16th January

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Senior Infants Ballet

Parents of Senior Infant Children, as you are aware the children have been participating in a dance workshop for the last number of weeks. These dance classes have been facilitated by Stephen Brennan Outreach Education Officer with Ballet Ireland.
On Tuesday 2nd December, the children will put on a little performance to which you are cordially invited. Times are as follows:

Room 8, Mr Horgan's Class 9:10am
Room 7 Ms Kelly's Class 10am
Room 6 Mrs Gallagher's Class 11:05am

Each performance will last approximately 35-40 minutes.
This has been a great opportunity for the Senior Infants and one which we hope to repeat at some other stage.
We look forward to seeing you at the performance.

Christmas Bazaar

The Senior School is having a Christmas Bazaar on Friday 12th December from 9am to 12 noon to help raise money for the school, the local Girl Guides and Focus Ireland.
Any donations to the bazaar of unwanted gift sets, books, toys or ornaments will be greatly appreciated. They can be dropped into the Senior School office or given to Clodagh Kenny no later than Wednesday 10th December.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Parent Teacher Meetings

Our Parent-Teacher Meetings will be held on Wednesday 26th November. A timetable has be set out for each child. If a time allocated to you does not suit please contact the class teacher so an alternative time can be arranged for you. It is very important that you attend this meeting in order to discuss your child's progress.
First and second class pupils will go home at 2:25pm on Wednesday 26th November to facilitate Parent/teacher meetings

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

October News!

We are holding our annual Halloween Disco next Friday 24th October. Parents are asked to contribute €2 per child towards the expense of running the disco. Children can wear Halloween costumes, however there is no obligation to do so.
It has always been a tradition that parents have been welcome to attend at the time their child is at the disco, however Ms Kirwan would like to give a few reminders to ensure the smooth running of this event.

  • Photos: We would ask you to respect the privacy of other people's children and of the school staff by only photographing/recording your own child.
  • The nature of the Halloween disco is participation and fun, so if you come be prepared to dance!
Recently it has become aware to Ms Kirwan that a small number of parents are smoking on the school grounds and outside classrooms. The Board of Management has advised that all parents be reminded that the school grounds are a no smoking area for obvious health and safety reasons. 
Please do not smoke on the school grounds.

Finally to remind you all that mid-term break will run from Monday 27th October until November 3rd. We wish you a safe and enjoyable Halloween break. 

Friday, 17 October 2014

New Courses For Adults in November

ESOL (English as a second language) - Beginners on Tuesday 4th 11:45- 13:15 for 7 weeks.
Protect your child online - Tuesday 11th November 9am - 11am for 4 weeks.
Contact Clodagh for more details

Friday, 10 October 2014

First Communion Meeting

There will be a repeat of the First Communion meeting for those parents who were unable to attend the original meeting. This will take place in the Parents Room of the Senior School at 6:30pm on Thursday 16th October.
An anti-bullying talk will then be held at 7pm in the hall of the Senior School on the same night.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Dates for First Communion Programme 2015

The dates for the First Communion Programme are all available from the parents page.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

'Understanding Bullying' Information Session

Thursday 16th October 19:00-20:30pm in St Patrick's SNS school hall. Topics explored will include

  • Cyber bullying and how to protect your child's online reputation
  • The effects and signs of bullying
  • What parents can do to help their child
Parents from both JNS and SNS welcome
Contact Clodagh for more information

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Information Meeting for Parents

An information meeting will be held for the parents/guardians of the children in Junior infants in the school hall. Please see the note your child brought home regarding which day your meeting is on. All Junior Infant meetings will be held in the hall.
At this meeting the teacher will outline how you can support your child in their school work.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Courses for Adults, Autumn 2014

Please go the parents page for more information on courses starting this autumn.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Welcome Back

School reopens for all children on Friday 29th August at 9am. We hope you all had a safe and enjoyable break. School book money is to be paid through the office. Please see link on the 'Our School' page to school calendar for all school closures for 2014/2015.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Summer Holidays

The school is now closed for the summer break after a very busy year. We hope everyone has a relaxing and safe summer. We look forward to seeing everyone again when we return at the end of August.

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Sports Day

The children had a fantastic day at sports day. The sun was shining and everyone had fun.They took part in races, activities and plenty of games.


Friday the 13th of June was a very lucky day for the students and teachers in St Patrick’s JNS, Corduff. At lunch time we witnessed the hatching of our first little quail chick. He was slimy at first but soon turned into a beautiful ball of yellow fluff!

At 6:13 am on Saturday our second chick hatched and he was soon followed by another. Both of these were brown chicks with yellow stripes. Two more chicks of the same colour hatched later that morning along with two yellow chicks with brown stripes. The incubator was getting crowded with 7 little, jumpy chicks.
Sheila called in to move the squashed chicks into a brooder. The brooder was placed under a lamp to keep them warm. The chicks were given a bowl of water (with marbles in it so they can’t fall in) and some food. They were having great fun running around and jumping on top of each other.  

We would like to thank Ms Mc Hugh for all her hard work in organising this wonderful experience for all the children in the school.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

1st Class Tour

The children in 1st class had a busy day at Dublin Zoo for their tour. They were very lucky with the weather as it did not rain. Each group walked around all the different areas and got to observe their favourite animals including wolves, elephants, snow leopards and tigers.

Senior Infant Tour

The senior infant children went to Sea Life in Bray. This is an aquarium, home to hundreds of different sea creatures. The children learnt about the different habitats in the ocean and saw lots of fish. The string ray tried to splash us!

Junior Infant Tour

The Junior infants went to Newbridge House on their school tour. They had a fantastic day. They got to see lots of animals and had a brilliant time in the playground.

For All Parents/Guardians of second class children

A meeting will take place on Thursday 12th June at 9:15am in the Senior School for parents/guardians for 2nd class children who have enrolled children in St Patrick's Senior School for 3rd class in September 2014.
If you have any queries on this matter please do not hesitate to contact the senior school on 01-8216563.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Nursery Rhymes on RTÉ

Senior Infants had a very exciting day yesterday when the cameras from RTÉ came to visit. Emma O'Driscoll taught the children some nursery rhymes 'Miss Polly had a Dolly' and 'Oh dear, what can the matter be?'. The children did a super job singing them with her. We can't wait to see the show when it airs in the autumn. As soon as we know the date it will be on, a link will be on the school website.

Monday, 19 May 2014


The school has been approached by RTÉ to participate in a new music programme which will be broadcast in the autumn. RTÉ will come to the school on Wednesday 21st May to film the Senior Infant children in their class, singing various songs.
We look forward to seeing the performance in the autumn.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

1st Holy Communion

Dear Parents/Guardians,
You may be aware that the Catholic children in second class will be receiving their First Holy Communion on Saturday 10th May at 11am in the Parish Church. This is a very important occasion in the life of our school and community. Should you wish to join in the celebration you are most welcome to do so.

On Wednesday 14th May the photographer will be coming to photograph the First Communion children. Your child is welcome to wear their special clothes in on this day if you wish them to be part of the class photograph. There is no obligation on you to purchase the photograph.

First Holy Communion is a special occasion and we wish God's Blessing on all the children of the community.

Yours sincerely
Áine Kirwan

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Summer Clean Up

In preparation for our Communion celebration on Saturday we would ask any parent who is free to join us in a clean up on Friday morning at 9am. Many hand make light work.

First Communion Reminders

As we look forward to the children's First Communion on Saturday, just a few reminders.

  • All parents and children to be seated at 10:50
  • Please do not delay outside taking photographs. There will be plenty of time after the ceremoney
  • No photography is allowed during the ceremony
Finally we hope the sun will shine and that you and the children will enjoy their special day.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Stay Safe Programme

Dear Parents & Guardians
As you are aware, as part of our Social, Personal and Health Education Programme the children in Senior Infants and Second Class are taught safety skills through the Stay Safe Programme. Over the coming weeks your child will be taught some new lessons which are being piloted in this school. The topic being covered is bullying in its many forms and providing strategies for your child to counteract this.
Your child will bring home some worksheets to be signed by you. I would ask you to use this as an opportunity to discuss with you child, safety issues which are important in his/her daily life.
Many thanks for your continued support.
Your sincerely
Áine Kirwan

Friday, 11 April 2014

Happy Easter

We had a great day today. The Easter Bunny came to visit all the children. Senior Infants hosted a great assembly. They taught us all about healthy eating, the Easter story and sang lovely songs.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Free Easter Activities in Blanchardstown Library

Blanchardstown library are hosting free events over the Easter break.
For example
Junior Arts & Crafts (Monday 14th April)
2pm—3.30pm (5—7 yrs)
3.30pm—5pm (8—11 yrs)  Places limited, please book at desk or on 8905563.
Jack Flash’s Amazing Magic Show (Ages 3—12)
Wednesday 16th April Tuesday 22nd April. Shows take place from 3pm to 4pm.  No booking necessary, just turn up & join the fun.

For further information on these events and to see what other activities are available visit Blanchardstown Library

Monday, 24 March 2014

Healthy Lunch Policy

Ms Kirwan would like to thank the parents for helping us to promote healthy eating among our pupils. A lot of work has gone into our Healthy Lunch Policy which will be launched on Friday 28th March 2014 in the school hall at 9am.
Fiona Monaghan, dietitian  will be present at the launch. There will be stands with healthy lunch ideas and information on various other food related matters.
This is another health initiative on behalf of St Patrick's JNS to benefit your child and we look forward to meeting you at this event.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

First Penance

 First Penance using Rite 2 (Penance Service)

  • Thursday 20th March 2014 at 7pm in the Church.
  • Parents/Guardians and children in the Church at 6:50pm
  • Parents/Guardians present child for Confession

Friday, 14 March 2014

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge concluded today with a Ceilí sa halla and with a very funny visitor. Giggles an fear grinn came to each class. Bhí sé ag caint Gaeilge. He made lots of balloons and made a lot of children laugh.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Seachtain na Gaeilge

We have been celebrating all this Irish this week. A ceolchoirm was held in the hall on Wednesday. The children had great fun listening to the music and dancing. Assembly today involved all the children in the school singing songs, saying poems, playing games and watching Irish dancing. Raidió Corduff has been on the airwaves all week telling us all the nuacht. 1st and 2nd class children are looking forward to their Ceilí tomorrow. Comhghairdeas to Ms O'Donnell on all her hard work in organising the week.
Happy St Patrick's Day.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Senior Infants Yoga

The children in Room 6 love doing yoga. Today they were doing Cosmic Kids Yoga. It is great fun as they create all the movements while listening to exciting stories.

Book Week 2014

The children in St Patrick's have had a very busy week. It is book week. There is a book shop in the school hall. Lots of children, their parents and grandparents bought a lot of books. The school will get a percentage of the books sold to buy more books for our school library. We would like to thank all the parents and children who supported this event.
An illustrator, Steve Simpson came into the school today to show the children how to create and draw different characters. During the week every class also got an opportunity to go and visit the Library at the shopping centre. A wonderful FREE resource for everyone in the community. Click to get more information on joining the library. Blanchardstown Library
A big thank you to Ms Greene for organising a wonderful and busy week for everyone.

Dates for Diary

School Closed