Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Friday the 13th of June was a very lucky day for the students and teachers in St Patrick’s JNS, Corduff. At lunch time we witnessed the hatching of our first little quail chick. He was slimy at first but soon turned into a beautiful ball of yellow fluff!

At 6:13 am on Saturday our second chick hatched and he was soon followed by another. Both of these were brown chicks with yellow stripes. Two more chicks of the same colour hatched later that morning along with two yellow chicks with brown stripes. The incubator was getting crowded with 7 little, jumpy chicks.
Sheila called in to move the squashed chicks into a brooder. The brooder was placed under a lamp to keep them warm. The chicks were given a bowl of water (with marbles in it so they can’t fall in) and some food. They were having great fun running around and jumping on top of each other.  

We would like to thank Ms Mc Hugh for all her hard work in organising this wonderful experience for all the children in the school.

Dates for Diary

School Closed