Friday, 8 December 2017

Principal's News

We are now very much in the Christmas season and you will, no doubt, hear your child/children singing Christmas songs and saying lines from their show. I would strongly encourage you to attend your child's performance.
I always ask parents to be aware of using their phone/camera in school, please be conscious of the privacy of the children and staff. DO NOT put up images of any child other than your own on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media.
While speaking of technology I would also remind you to be aware of age ratings on computer games etc. It is important that your child's screen-time viewing be carefully monitored for their own protection.
The children in the Junior School are of an age that simple toys such as jigsaws, playdough, art and craft sets, cars, trains, dolls etc are very suitable. Recently we had a lego day which the children really enjoyed. All these types of toys are very beneficial to your child at this stage of their development and I would strongly urge you to consider them.
The Christmas shows performed by the children are a great opportunity for you to stop and think about the true meaning of Christmas. We will be continuing with our tradition of supporting the Jack and Jill Foundation so please bring some cash with you for our raffle. Tickets cost €2 per strip or €5 for 3 strips.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you most sincerely for all the support you give to St Patricks JNS and to wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas.

Dates for Diary

School Closed