Friday, 20 December 2013

Happy Christmas

The school would like to wish the children, parents and staff a very Happy Christmas.
The school will reopen on the 6th January at 9am.

Parish Carol Service

The Parish Carol Service took place yesterday evening in the church. It was well attended with the Blanchardstown Brass Band as the special guests. Fabulous performances were also given by the Senior School, Junior School, Parish Adult Choir, Parish Children's Choir and the Schools Parents Choir.

Infants and 1st Class Shows

Congratulations to all the Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class children who took part in their class shows on Wednesday. They were all fantastic. A big thank you to all their teachers for the hard work in preparing them.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

2nd Class Christmas Shows

Well done to all the children in 2nd class who took part in their Christmas show today. Thank you to their teachers for all the hard work in preparing the children.

Sports Conditioning Programme

Over the past few months the children in 1st and 2nd classes have completed the Fingal County Council Sports Conditioning Programme. They have learnt lots of new exercises and activities but most of all they had a lot of fun. We would like to thank Owen McGrath for all his time.

Santa Came to Visit!!!

The excitement for Christmas is building in St Patrick's. We were very lucky when Santa took time out of his busy preparations to pay the school a visit. He chatted to all the children and even got to see some classes practicing for their show. Thank-you for coming to visit us Santa.

Christmas Village

The children from 2nd class in Ms O'Donnell's class have been very busy creating a 'Santa's Village'. It is very festive, plays music and has wonderful Christmas lights.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Christmas Shows

It's that time of the year. All the children and teachers in the school are working very hard at preparing their shows. Below at the times for each class. Please note some of the times are different to the times given out in the school news letter.

Monday 16th December
Early Start Afternoon group present "It's a Baby" at 1pm

Tuesday 17th December
Early Start Morning group present "It's a Baby" at 10:30am
Ms Kerrigan's & Ms Farmer's classes present "Born in a Barn" at 1pm
Ms O'Donnell's & Ms Fitzgerald's class present "The Nativity" at 1:45pm 

Wednesday 18th December
Mrs Breen's & Mrs Dixon's classes present "Whoops-a-daisy Angel" at 10:30am
Mrs Cabello's & Ms Cunningham's classes present "The Sleepy Shepherd" at 11:15am
Ms Greene's & Mr Kelly's classes present "The Bossy King" at 12:00pm
Mrs Murray's & Ms Curran's classes present"Shine Star Shine" at 1pm
Ms Mooney's & Ms Doyle's classes present "Busy Busy Bethlehem" at 1:45pm

Christmas Prayer Service

The entire school assembled yesterday for our Christmas Prayer Service. We were very lucky that the parent's choir came to join us. We prayed and sang together and recalled the special meaning of Christmas. We learnt a special prayer for Christmas. It would be nice to say it at home too.

Thank-you God for Jesus,
Is the prayer we say.
Thank-you God for Jesus,
Born on Christmas Day.

Thank-you to Mrs Kane for organising the prayer service.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Lollipop Crossing at 1:40pm

It has been brought to the attention of the school that very few parents and children are using the service of the Lollipop crossing at 1:40pm.
Fingal Co.Council has asked that parents be surveyed to ascertain the need for this service at 1:40pm.
Please return the slip your child in Junior and Senior Infants were given to your child's class teacher by Monday 2nd December 2013.
The Lollipop crossing at 2:40pm will continue.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Science Day

The children in St Patrick's Junior School are having a very exciting day today. Some boys and girls from 2nd class have being demonstrating different science experiments to all the other classes. They learnt about gravity, static electricity, density and created quick sand. Thanks to Mrs Murray for all her hard work in organising the day.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Registration Week

Registration week for Junior Infants and Early Start for September 2014 will take place from Monday 13th January 2014- Thursday 16th January 2014 from 1:30-2:30pm in the school hall.

Please bring
1. Child's Birth Certificate
2. Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)
3. Child's PPS number
4. Proof of address

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Parent Teacher Meetings

Our Parent-Teacher Meetings will be held on Wednesday 20th November 2013.
A timetable has been set out for each child and has been sent home to you.
If the time allocated to you does not suit, please contact the class teacher so that an alternative time can be arranged for you. It is very important that you attend this meeting in order to discuss your child's progress.
First and Second class pupils will go home at 2:25pm on Wednesday 20th November to facilitate the meetings.

Monday, 11 November 2013


The Boards of Management are delighted to inform you that after many years work, planning permission for a new state of the art school building has been received.

The new school, designed by award winning architects Gilroy McMahon will house general purpose areas, special needs facilities, libraries, classrooms, parent's room and fully serviced kitchen areas.

Many of the services currently provided in our school such as preschool Early Start Programme, breakfast club, homework clubs, parent's classes and meeting areas will benefit from being located in a specially designed space.

Our children currently receive the highest quality of education in St Patrick's schools. We are therefore delighted that all of this work will be taking place in a building designed for a modern education. The Boards of Management are hopeful that the building will commence mid to late 2014 and we will keep you informed as the project progresses.

Phoenix Park Visitor Centre

First and second classes are being given the opportunity to visit the Phoenix Park Visitors Centre on Wednesday 13th November 2013. They will be leaving the school at 9:45 until 1:15. They will be going home at the normal time.

Friday, 8 November 2013

FREE Yoga Classes

More information on the FREE yoga classes can be found on the parents' page.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Halloween Disco

The children had a fun time today at the Halloween disco. We have some wonderful dancers in fantastic costumes. A great day was had by all.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Annual Christmas Bazaar

St Patrick's Joint Parents' Association are hosting their annual Christmas Bazaar in aid of Corduff Brownies & Ladybirds & St.Patrick's Schools on Friday 6th December 2013 in St Patrick's Senior School hall between 9am - 12noon.
Donations needed including toys, unwanted gifts, books, DVDs, small gifts for lucky dip etc.
Drop donations to the Senior School hall on Tuesday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th November and 3rd December from 8:45 to 9:15am.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

How can primary schools make all children feel included and involved?

Parents, the Dept of Education would like to hear what you think.

The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD would like you to tell him how you think we can make sure that the rights and beliefs of children and families from various cultural and religious backgrounds are respected in our primary schools.

You will find the leaflet with more information here.

You can send in your views by email or post. You have until Friday 22nd November 2013. All addresses can be found at the end of the leaflet.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Halloween Disco

We are holding our annual Halloween Disco on Friday 25th October. Your child will be attending the disco at the following times:

Early Start Morning group: 10:45-10:55
Junior Infants: 11:00-11:25
Senior Infants: 11:30-11:55
First Class 1:00-1:25
Second Class 1:30-1:55
Early Start Afternoon group 2:00-2:10

Parents are asked to contribute €2 per child towards the expense of running the disco. Children (and parents) can wear Halloween costumes, however there is no obligation to do so. Parents are welcome to attend with their children.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Dates for First Communion Programme 2014

To view all dates for the First Communion Programme 2014, look on the parents page for the link which is on the right hand side.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Healthy Lunchboxes

Have a look at the Safefood website for plenty of ideas on creating healthy lunches.

Monday, 30 September 2013

After-School Dance Club

After-school dance club for 2nd Class will be taking place in the school every Wednesday from 2:40pm-3:30pm, beginning on the 9th October. The dance club will give children an opportunity to enjoy creating and performing their own dance compositions in a fun and relaxed environment. Unfortunately, there will be a limited number of places. In order to give as many children as possible a chance to participate, there will be two groups of dance club, Oct-Jan and Feb-May. Please sign the form your child brought home and return it to their teacher as soon as possible

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Joint Parents' Association

St Patrick's set up a Joint Parents' Association in May this year. At present, we have seven members and are hoping to recruit more. If you are interested in joining, training will take place on Tuesday 24th September 9:15-11:45 in St Patrick's Senior School. You are under no obligation to join if you attend. There is no cost for the training.
Contact Clodagh for more information.
You may be aware that the annual budget has been brought forward to October this year in order to deal with the country's current financial difficulties.
Each of us can play a part in letting our politicians know that we do not want our children to pay for the financial situation the country finds itself in. They did not create the problem so they should not have to pay for it.
The National Primary Education Alliance, comprising all the partners at primary level has come together to call on Government to stop any further cuts to primary education.
We are asking you to contact your local T.D. either by using the postcard given to your child or by email to register your objection to any further cuts.
The politicians in this area are as follows.
Minister Joan Burton
Minister Leo Varadkar
Patrick Nulty
Joe Higgins

We would like to thank you for your continued support.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Autumn Courses

More information on courses starting in September is found on the parents page.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Welcome Back

Ms Kirwan would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back after the summer holidays and to wish you and your child a very happy and productive year ahead.
As always, we are aware of the health and safety of the children in the school. In light of this, we would like you to indicate to your child's teacher (1st and 2nd class) the manner in which your child to be collected at home time. Please return the slip given to your child. Junior and senior infants are collected from their classroom door.

Gardening Course

Follow the link to the parents page for more information.

Monday, 26 August 2013

New School Year

The school reopens for pupils on Friday at 9am.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

End of School Year

As we are approaching the end of school year, Ms Kirwan would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the wonderful support given to the school.
We wish you all well for the summer holidays. School will close at 12 noon on Friday next and re-opens on 30th August.

2nd Class Graduation

Our 2nd Class children held their graduation ceremony today. We wish them all the best for their futures.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Sports Day 1st & 2nd Class

The children in 1st and 2nd class had a wonderful day at their sports day. They took part in lots of activities such as football, basketball, parachute and dancing. After the exciting races, we watched 2nd class taking part in a football competition. Well done to the winners which were Mrs Kane's class.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


On Friday 7th June, St.Patrick's JNS will be having a celebration and you are invited to join us.
Having spent the last two years 'Walking On Wednesdays', the school has been awarded a fourth Green Flag. Minister Joan Burton will raise the flag on Friday 7th June at 12 noon.
Thank you for supporting the children and staff in our efforts to be environmentally aware.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Sports Day 2013

Sports Day for Junior and Senior infants took place today. The sun was shining and all had a wonderful day.
A huge thank you to all the parents and family members who came in to do face painting and to cheer everyone on. 

Dates for Diary

School Closed